The Unseen Struggle

Recognising Burnout

In partnership with

This newsletter serves a simple purpose → To help you build optimism, resilience and a solution-focused perspective.

Each week, I’ll share actionable insights that not only brighten your day but position you to be a leader within your own life and seize life’s opportunities.

Read time: 10-12 minutes.

Bright Side in Brief

What’s covered this week?

  • The Unseen Struggle - Recognising burnout.

  • Richard Branson - A kind heart with an optimistic vision.

  • Bright Reads - Quick links to fun or insightful articles.

  • Watch - ‘Shogun’ on Disney+.

  • A Bright Idea to Consider - Kent Nerburn.

  • Daily Gratitude Journal

  • Positively Hilarious - Smile like you mean it.

Hello everyone,

Hope you’re excited for a rewarding week ahead.

Thank you to our new subscribers and a tip of the cap to those of you who continue to read along.

Today, I continue the discussion of overall personal wealth and the components that make it up: time, social, financial, physical and mental.

I touch on the importance of mental health and the role it plays in our holistic wealth.

Covering why it’s important to be kind to yourself, to take note of the signals your body sends you and most importantly, to acknowledge them in real time.

Recognising the Signs

The truth is … burnout got to me.

I never thought it would happen to me.

I’ve always been someone who sees only possibilities in front of me.

I’ve always known the right time to lighten the mood (thanks, Dad) or lend an ear to others (thanks, Mum) when needed.

I take great pride in being solution-focused & optimistic every day, which has brought me plenty of success and allowed me countless opportunities to this point.

Energy and passion have always been front and centre in both my work and home life, embracing everything that came my way with an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

That was until I didn’t.

When I look back, I can see when the cracks started to appear. 

The Impact of Loss

In late August 2019, I received a call in the middle of the night informing me that my Dad (a pilot with 54 years of experience) was missing.

My father was able to fly a plane before he could drive a car.

So this was a complete shock.

A couple of days later we learned of his passing.

I was f***ing distraught.

After spending many weeks organising his repatriation to Australia, consoling and supporting friends & family, and laying him to rest, I headed back to Canada.

I still think of him every day without fail, grief doesn't disappear, it transforms.

I know in my heart I didn’t give myself the space and time to grieve properly.

Over time I’ve learned to make myself smile by appreciating, honouring and celebrating the memories of his life.

But deep down, I knew I was just running on fumes, masking my pain with productivity while neglecting the grief that still lingered.

Fast forward a few short months and I was hosting a group of 125 Canadian travel agents on an amazing trip to New Zealand. 

This was March, 2020.

Yep, that March 2020.

It was an incentive trip which each of them had earned the right to attend and we were having an absolute blast.

Some of my most cherished memories took place on that trip as we navigated one of the most picturesque countries on earth.

That was until COVID arrived.

Once again I found myself faced with the task of galvanising others in the face of a great challenge.

The entire group was away from their families, on the other side of the planet needing to be comforted and kept informed to maintain their composure.

As we navigated a rapidly changing landscape, the group's spirit shone through.

We transformed what could have been a disaster into an opportunity for connection.

We stayed tight as a group, we kept the communication flowing and managed to return the group home safely on March 16th, 2020.

The next few months provided the greatest professional challenge I’ve ever faced.

The travel industry was decimated.

Obvious moves were made to ensure the business had the longest runway possible to see out this crisis, but on and on it went.

The decision was made to let many staff go with hundreds of people having their careers jolted and now out of work.

It was done in the most comforting way we could, with compassion, with empathy and with gratitude for every one of them.

But even so, it was incredibly challenging, and in doing so, I knew what was likely to come next.

My role at the time was operations leader across Canada and now, with no operation to run … the writing was on the wall.

It was my turn.

I knew it was coming, but that doesn’t change the fact that after 17 years in a job that I truly loved … it was over.

Transitioning to New Opportunities

Now, I was lucky.

No scratch that, I was fortunate (you create luck by being optimistic, present and engaged).

I was fortunate that a former colleague was made aware that I was out of a job and reached out with an incredible opportunity. 

It was to build a retail travel operation from scratch. 

A start-up essentially, but with the backing of an existing business that was flourishing.

I didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth as I was so appreciative for an opportunity at such a chaotic time.

So I accepted.

After accepting, the news got even better.

I learned I’d be working closely with a previous leader who I’ve the utmost respect for.

I’ve never felt so grateful.

To be provided an opportunity to work so soon, during a global pandemic and also remain in the travel industry.

It sounded absurd to say it out loud.

So we dove straight in without a second thought.

We pushed forward and gave the opportunity everything we had, taking our previous business and leadership experience along with us.

We built a plan, we tested ideas through trial and error, we iterated and we built an incredible team.

What I didn’t realise at the time, was that once again, I’d failed to give myself the time to grieve.


Chris, what are you talking about?

Yes, grieve.

I spent the majority of my adult life in a job that I loved with people that I loved.

It was nobody’s fault.

So many suffered for so many reasons during COVID.

But that doesn’t change the fact that it happened and that I needed to acknowledge it more than I had to that point.

The Need for Closure

After any relationship lasting 17 years, you need to find some level of closure.

Whether that’s a chance to celebrate your journey, connect with long-time colleagues or simply take time to reflect on the endless experiences and growth you've had.

It's crucial to acknowledge the end of such a significant chapter in your life.

Which I failed to do at the time.

Without closure, it's challenging to fully embrace new opportunities and move forward without carrying unresolved emotions or attachments from the past.

Given the extraordinary circumstances that COVID presented, my life was changed instantly and I moved into a new role within a matter of weeks.

As a result, while I always gave everything, my new role never really saw the best of me.

It saw a shell of me.

But as mentioned, I would never take an opportunity for granted and I still gave it everything I had.

Embracing Change

18 months later … we had built a business and a wonderful team.

At this time, I was presented with an opportunity to shift to a different department of the business and try something completely new.

Change felt like the right move.

While it was a step away from my area of experience, I was excited by the opportunity to learn new skills and drive a different business.

Early on, it was exactly that.

I learned plenty and worked with incredible people, but I knew in my heart, I wasn't happy.

I felt numb at times.

I continued to give my all because I didn’t have another gear at the time, but I truly felt like a fish out of water and often felt I was underperforming.

I loved my career in travel, all 20+ years of it.

I feel so grateful to have worked with so many incredible people (many of them now life-long friends) and experienced firsthand so many corners of this incredible planet we call home.

Most of my career was people-focused, working in operations & sales and I found great success doing so.

I was used to constant interaction with people and always found great joy in my everyday tasks.

It was only during that last 12 months, when I stepped into a very different role, that my mind started to wander.

Deep down, work felt like an anchor slowly dragging me down.


Because I wasn't happy.

On paper, I was doing well.

I had the office with a view, worked with great people and had the opportunity to travel the world.

But I couldn't shake the feeling that I was making a mistake.

That I was climbing the wrong mountain.

That there was something more to my life.

Don’t get me wrong, the travel industry isn’t a bad place to be.

I was living many people's dreams.

My family was proud and the pay was great but I firmly believe life is too short to not love what you do.

After 20+ years, the last 8 in executive roles, I’d fallen out of love with the corporate grind.

I despised missing mornings with my kids.

I hated the lack of purpose.

I had no motivation for endless meetings and doing things that didn’t align with my skillset and values.

I became restless.

Finding Purpose and Happiness

Then came a week in Paris, with my wife and kids, in May 2023.

We had so much fun exploring.

We ate, we learned and we navigated the city together.

From the Eiffel Tower to charming cafés, every moment was filled with laughter and connection.

It was during this trip that I realised I wanted to be more present for my family, and wanted to be healthier - both physically and mentally.

Sitting at a desk all day was not me.

That clarity hit me like a wave, encouraged by the vibrant energy of Paris (and also likely the pastries).

But as the world kept spinning, I felt anything but normal.

I thought to myself: if you can do so well in a career you aren’t fully engaged in currently, what happens when you focus on one that lights you up?

A light snack before visiting the Louvre - Paris, May 2023.

A few months later, my role was made redundant and I moved on from that business.

This was a blessing.

While it wasn’t my choice to leave, I had certainly considered it.

In previous weeks, I touched on the importance of building quality relationships in both your work and professional life.

Never burn bridges, only build them and help others whenever you have the opportunity to do so.

This philosophy laid the foundation for more good fortune, with several contacts reaching out with opportunities for roles.

But this time, I knew I needed to take a different path.

This time, I took the time I needed.

This time, I turned inward and looked to fix myself.

This time, I acknowledged that I wasn’t who I know I should and can be.

This time, I did the work.

I took a full 360 view of my life at 45 and asked myself the question:

 “Who do you want to be?”

I want to be a father and a husband first.

I want to live a long, healthy life.

I want to help others.

I want to bring joy, hope and appreciation into the world.

So I made changes.

This is when I started ‘The Brighter Side of Everything’.

A platform whose purpose is to help people grow and improve their lives by adopting an optimistic & solution focused outlook.

I’ve experienced its power time and time again, with the only blips occurring when I lost sight of it.

Seeing the Brighter Side allows you to stay resilient, keep moving forward and find meaning, even during difficult circumstances.

Not surface level “positive vibes” positivity but solution-focused, forward-thinking optimism.

I had no clue how things would go but I knew that with a greater allotment of time, I could make a real go of it.

We spend much of our lives wanting to do things but being too scared to take the plunge.

You worry you’re making the wrong decisions ... you worry things won’t work out ... you worry you’ll look silly or stupid.

But honestly?

None of that matters in the grand scheme of things.

And you know what they say about worrying?

It’s like a rocking chair.

It will give you something to do but it will never get you anywhere.

Our minds can make failure feel fatal.

They can make us care too much about others' opinions and not enough about our well-being.

But here’s the truth: only you get to live your life.

And we only get one shot on this spinning rock we call home.

Why waste it in the shadows of 'what could have been'?

Failure only truly occurs when you give up, before that, they are simply bumpers guiding you along the right path.

Lessons Learned

Here’s a crucial lesson this journey taught me: your most important mission is to conquer fear and embrace what you want in life.

Because fear has its tendrils stretched into all of our thoughts and decisions.

And everything you want is on the other side of it.

I don’t talk about this stuff because I believe I’m a student of life.

Each time I think I’ve nailed it, life slaps me with the next level of the game.

Even now, I have decisions I’m putting off.

Bets I’m scared to make.

I’m sure you do, too.

But I’m grateful for how things have gone so far.

If I had continued to work long hours and commit myself to someone else’s dream - I would not have made the time to spend a week in Australia visiting my Mum in June before she passed recently.

I wouldn’t have had ‘time’ to see her and would never have forgiven myself.

This was a painful reminder of what is important in life.

Do what lifts you.

Do what brings you joy.

A great mentor early in my career often said “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react”.

This is something I not only agree with but I have personified for the majority of my life.

I lost my way for a bit there.

But now I’m back with more energy and enthusiasm than ever before.

Acknowledging Feelings

Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons, doesn't it?

I've learned that when you push aside or ignore your feelings, they don't just disappear.

They stick with you, lurking in the shadows, waiting to rear their ugly heads at the most inconvenient times.

It's crucial to honour your feelings, trust your gut and most importantly, acknowledge the signals along the way.

By doing so, you maintain your physical and mental well-being through life's ups and downs.

Had I failed to acknowledge them and simply continued to push forward, the regrets would have started to pile up.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in a great place again now, but I wouldn't be if I had failed to honour the signals and action the necessary changes.

I'm sharing this because if any of it resonates with you, know that you have support or simply an ear as you navigate your way forward.

I have no interest in simply putting up with situations that no longer serve me, and neither should you.

Take my Mum's recent passing, for example.

It's still incredibly painful, but I know in my heart I handled it in a much better fashion than I did with Dad.

I gave myself the time and space to grieve, to feel, to remember.

I didn't try to mask the pain with productivity this time around.

I spoke about regret last week, and I'll say it again:

Don't let secondary things in your life take precedence over the primary things.

Family, friends and social connections come first.

Work comes second.

The changes I’ve made and the growth that has followed created space for what truly matters.

Had I not visited Mum for a week in June, I would never have forgiven myself.

Moving Forward with Optimism

So, if you ever have an inkling that things don’t feel right?

Or your gut is trying to tell you something feels wrong?

Listen carefully to the signals.

A lasting lesson through all this for me?

To never allow myself to fall in love with something that can't love me back.

Because at the end of the day, a job, a title, or a paycheck can't hug you back or share in your joys and sorrows.

Life is short.

It's unpredictable and precious.

Don't wait for a wake-up call to start living it on your terms.

Acknowledge your feelings, honour your intuition and make the changes you need to make.

Your future self will thank you for it.

Remember, you're not alone in this journey.

If you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed or simply need someone to talk to, do it.

Sometimes, all it takes is a friendly ear to help you see the brighter side of everything.

See you there,


P.S. Send me feedback on how I can improve. I respond to every email.

Richard Branson

A Kind Heart with an Optimistic Vision

About 10 years ago, I attended a work event at the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver, buzzing with excitement and anticipation.

As I arrived, I was surprised to stumble into Richard Branson himself welcoming guests at the door.

With his trademark smile and approachable demeanor, he made everyone feel at ease.

When it was my turn, I stepped forward, extended my hand, and said, “Richard, great to meet you. My name is Chris.”

He looked me in the eye and replied warmly, “Chris, the pleasure is all mine. Thanks for being here this evening.”

That simple exchange left a lasting impression on me.

It wasn’t just his status that struck me; it was his genuine kindness and ability to connect with people that truly set him apart.

It’s moments like these that reflect the essence of who Richard Branson is - a man who believes in the power of positivity and human connection.

A Legacy of Kindness

Branson’s journey began with a simple yet powerful idea: create a company that puts people before profits.

He’s always believed that treating employees well leads to happier customers.

This philosophy has shaped the Virgin brand into something special - one that values its people and builds a culture of respect and inclusivity.

In one of his blog posts, Branson said, “If we constantly expect the worst in others and in ourselves, we bring out the worst sides of humankind.”

This perspective really resonates with me.

By creating a positive environment, we inspire kindness in others and spark a ripple effect of goodwill.

It’s refreshing to see a leader who prioritises compassion over competition and still delivers results.

The truth is it’s the harder path but as he has wisely pointed out, “Business opportunities are like buses; there’s always another one coming.”

By focusing on kindness and positivity, you not only create a supportive environment but also open yourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities that lead to greater success.

An Optimist at Heart

Branson’s optimism is deeply rooted in his upbringing.

He often credits his father’s positive outlook on life as a major influence.

His dad would often say, “Isn’t life wonderful?”

Imagine carrying that mantra throughout each day of your life.

It’s no wonder he approaches every venture with the belief that anything is possible.

His adventurous spirit is a testament to this optimism.

From ballooning across oceans to launching rockets into space with Virgin Galactic, he truly embodies the idea that life should be lived to the fullest.

Branson encourages us all to dream big and pursue our passions without fear - something we could all use a little more of in our lives.

And he does it all, without being an asshole.

A Different Kind of Billionaire

What really makes Branson stand out is his commitment to social responsibility.

He’s not just about building his empire; he actively seeks to tackle global challenges like climate change and inequality.

Through Virgin Unite, the nonprofit arm of the Virgin Group, he supports causes such as education, health care and environmental sustainability.

Branson believes wealth should be used as a force for good.

Unlike many billionaires who might hoard their riches or engage in self-serving ventures, he’s all about giving back.

His philanthropic efforts serve as an inspiring example for other business leaders.

Imagine what the world would look like if more maintained this philosophy.

Inspiring Future Generations

Branson’s message resonates with people of all ages.

He loves sharing stories of resilience and hope, inspiring young entrepreneurs to chase their dreams despite obstacles.

Recently, he reflected on space travel as a metaphor for limitless possibilities: “I was once a child with a dream looking up at the stars. Now I'm an adult in a spaceship looking down at our beautiful Earth.”

How powerful is that?

It reminds us that kindness and optimism can lead to extraordinary achievements.

If you believe in yourself and each other, you will create something truly beautiful.

My Takeaways: Lessons from Richard Branson

  • Embrace Kindness: Prioritise compassion in your interactions; it creates positive ripple effects in your community.

  • Stay Optimistic: Develop an optimistic outlook; it opens doors to new opportunities and adventures.

  • Be Adventurous: Don’t shy away from taking risks; embrace challenges as chances for growth.

  • Give Back: Use your success as a platform for social responsibility; make a positive impact on the world.

  • Inspire Others: Share your journey and insights; uplifting others creates lasting change.

  • Pursue Your Passions: Follow what excites you; passion fuels creativity and fulfilment at any age.

Conclusion: A Legacy Built on Kindness

Richard Branson exemplifies what it means to be a kindhearted billionaire (yes, its possible).

His unwavering optimism and commitment to social responsibility set him apart from most others in the corporate world.

As he continues exploring new frontiers - both in business and philanthropy - he inspires us all to make a positive impact.

In times when cynicism seems to rule, Branson’s approach serves as a reminder that kindness isn’t just an ideal; it’s a powerful tool for change.

As he wisely puts it:

“The future is bright if we choose to see it that way.”

🖊️ - Richard Branson

Bright Reads

Interesting insights to ignite your inner optimist.

Elevated Viewing

Shows that Inspire and Uplift

Shogun - Season 1 available on Disney+

I’m a bit late to the party here, but I just have to rave about Shogun.

This series is brilliant!

From the captivating story to the stunning setting and exceptional acting, it has everything you could want in a show.

Key Highlights:

Rich Storytelling: Based on James Clavell's epic novel, Shogun immerses you in 17th-century Japan, where political intrigue and cultural clashes unfold. The plot keeps you on your toes, weaving together complex characters and their motivations in a way that feels authentic and engaging.

Stellar Performances: The cast is phenomenal, with Hiroyuki Sanada leading the way as Lord Toranaga. Cosmo Jarvis, as John Blackthorne, brings depth to his character, navigating the challenges of being an outsider in a foreign land. Anna Sawai shines as Toda Mariko, adding emotional layers to the story that resonate throughout the series.

Cultural Authenticity: One of the standout features of Shogun is the way it respects and captures Japanese culture. The show pays close attention to the details, making sure everything - from the way people dress to their customs - is portrayed accurately. The dialogue often incorporates the Japanese language, enhancing the authenticity of the setting and immersing you in their world. Clearly, a lot of thought went into representing the culture accurately.

A Japanese Version of Game of Thrones:

If you loved Game of Thrones, Shogun might just be your next obsession.

While it’s set in feudal Japan rather than Westeros, both shows share deep mythology, political complexities and intense character dynamics that keep you hooked.

Just like Game of Thrones, Shogun features sworn allegiances and betrayals that make for gripping storytelling.

The director has even acknowledged these comparisons, noting that while Shogun has its own unique flavour, it certainly captures the same spirit of spectacle and intrigue that made Game of Thrones so captivating.

With its sweeping themes and blood-soaked power struggles, fans of epic storytelling will find plenty to love here.

My Takeaway:

What struck me most about Shogun is how it balances historical drama with rich character development.

The series doesn’t shy away from exploring the complexities of power dynamics and personal relationships, making it more than just a simple tale of conquest.

Each episode unfolds beautifully, revealing new threads of intrigue and emotion.

While it can be pretty gruesome at times, I found this didn’t detract from my overall enjoyment.

If you’re looking for a show that offers stunning visuals and profound storytelling, Shogun is worth your time.

It’s a remarkable journey through history that leaves you eagerly anticipating what comes next.

“Always remember, child... that to think bad thoughts is really the easiest thing in the world. To think good thoughts, however, requires effort.”

🖊️ - Mariko - Shogun

A Bright Idea to Consider …

This incredible reflection from Kent Nerburn highlights the power of travel and exploration.

It’s a powerful reminder that stepping outside your comfort zone is essential for growth and maintaining a sense of wonder in life.

That is why we need to travel.

If we don't offer ourselves to the unknown, our senses dull.

Our world becomes small and we lose our sense of wonder.

Our eyes don't lift to the horizon; our ears don't hear the sounds around us.

The edge is off our experience, and we pass our days in a routine that is both comfortable and limiting.

We wake up one day and find that we have lost our dreams in order to protect our days.

Don't let yourself become one of these people.

The fear of the unknown and the lure of the comfortable will conspire to keep you from taking the chances the traveller has to take.

But if you take them, you will never regret your choice.

To be sure, there will be moments of doubt when you stand alone on an empty road in an icy rain, or when you are ill with fever in a rented bed.

But as the pains of the moment will come, so too will they fall away.

In the end, you will be so much richer, so much stronger, so much clearer, so much happier, and so much better a person that all the risk and hardship will seem like nothing compared to the knowledge and wisdom you have gained. 

- Kent Nerburn, Letters to my Sons

Consider these aspects:

  1. Breaking Routine: Travel disrupts our daily patterns and encourages us to engage with new experiences and perspectives.

  2. Awakening Senses: Exposure to different environments heightens our awareness and appreciation for the world around us.

  3. Embracing Uncertainty: The unknown can be intimidating, but it also presents opportunities for growth and discovery.

  4. Overcoming Fear: Acknowledging and confronting our fears often leads to profound personal insights and resilience.

  5. Gaining Wisdom: The challenges faced while travelling often yield valuable lessons that enrich our lives in unexpected ways.


Travel isn’t just about visiting new places; it’s about expanding your horizons, awakening your senses and embracing life's uncertainties.

By stepping into the unknown, you’ll rediscover your sense of wonder and gain invaluable experiences that enhance your understanding of yourself … and the world.

Stepping into the Black Sea with my son (Bulgaria, 2018)

Daily Gratitude Journal

Transform your daily routine with my specially crafted gratitude journal. Start (or end) each day with a moment of reflection and positivity.

Thank you to all who have purchased a copy so far, I am truly grateful and for every journal sold, I will donate $1 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. 

This means that as you develop daily gratitude, you're also helping grant wishes to children facing critical illnesses.

It's a powerful cycle of hope and optimism.

🌟 What's Inside:

  • Thoughtful prompts to inspire daily gratitude.

  • Space for personal reflections and affirmations.

  • Beautifully designed pages to make each entry a delightful experience.

Ready to embrace the power of gratitude?

Click here to order a copy now!

Positively Hilarious

A quick laugh as we part ways this week.

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