- The Brighter Side of Everything
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- Mindful Spending
Mindful Spending
Make Your Money Work For You
Welcome to The Brighter Side of Everything.
This newsletter serves a simple purpose → To help you build optimism, resilience and a solution-focused perspective.
Each week, I’ll share actionable insights that not only brighten your day but position you to be a leader within your own life and seize life’s opportunities.
Read time: 10-12 minutes.
Bright Side in Brief
What’s covered this week?
Mindful Spending - Make your money work for you
Progress Report - Sharing the results of my holistic wealth journey
Bright Reads - Quick links to fun or insightful articles
Fred Again - A maestro of connection and joy
Insights From an Expert - James Clear
Now Spinning - ‘Mahal’ by Glass Beams
Positively Hilarious - Smile like you mean it.
Daily Gratitude Journal
Hi everyone,
Welcome to our latest readers and thank you to those who continue to read along.
Hope everyone’s weekend was relaxing, productive and fun.
Today, I’m writing from a park in the eastern suburbs of Toronto which I often visit.
It’s a little fresh this morning, the sun is beaming but the temperatures continue to drop in this part of the world.
I love watching the clouds move slooooowly and enjoying the view as I type away.

Today’s office with a view.
Ok … we’ve made it to the last category of overall wealth.
The one that receives all of the attention, the majority of our energy and plenty of our mental capacity.
Let's talk money, folks.
Quite often money is treated as the elephant in the room or as a taboo topic to discuss.
A likely reason is that everyone’s situation differs.
Depending on the phase of life you find yourself in, your financial situation and goals will vary.
If we never talk about it though, we fail to learn from each other & we may miss or overlook opportunities that pass us by.
Over the years, I've ridden the financial rollercoaster.
Each twist and turn has taught me valuable lessons, allowing my understanding to grow and my actions to shift toward embracing the power of mindful spending.
Now, I‘m no finance expert, but I’ve educated myself over the years to the point where I feel confident, make the right decisions more often than not and have the majority of my money working for me, not against me.
Honestly, I was much more confident writing about the preceding categories of wealth but I’ll charge forward here in the hope that I can pass along something of value to someone.
If you lack financial understanding, I highly recommend educating yourself to ensure you are not naively overlooking opportunities that are presently available to you.
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."
A Journey of Financial Growth
In my younger days, I wasn't well-educated when it came to finances.
For such a crucial aspect of our adult lives, I find it bewildering that there is such little focus on it within the education system.
As a young adult, like many, I stumbled through many financial decisions without a clear understanding of their long-term impact.
Over the years, mainly through self-education and, most importantly, working closely with my wife (who happens to be an accountant), I’ve made many necessary changes and shifted my focus to the right things.
Now, 20 years later, we're reaping the rewards of many of those decisions.
Marrying an accountant is one thing but the real key has been open communication about money with my partner.
Regular financial discussions have played a key role in maintaining a healthy relationship and ensuring our financial well-being.
There are no skeletons in our closet.
Early in our relationship, we made sure we were on the same page regarding financial goals, expectations and budgeting.
This alignment has helped to prevent surprises, conflicts and also allowed us to work together toward our shared future.
Debt: The Silent Dream-Killer
First things first – let's talk about debt.
Debt is like carrying a heavy backpack on a hike; it slows you down and makes the journey much harder than it needs to be.
There is good debt that provides long-term value, potential tax advantages and low interest rates - like a mortgage or a business loan.
And then there is bad debt which sees value depreciate, high interest rates and creates financial strain.
So … the first golden rule?
Don't carry unnecessary debt.
Sure, credit cards can be useful, but the benefits that they advertise are only useful if you are if you pay them off fully every month.
And those high-interest loans?
They're about as helpful as a chocolate teapot.
Next time you visit a city, take a look up.
Most of the skyscrapers are banks and financial institutions.
Where does their money come from … you & I.
If you carry debt, that should be the first focus.
You know the saying ‘It takes money to make money’?
That option isn’t generally on the table if a portion of everything you earn is needed to pay interest.
A paramount step in finding your financial footing is erasing all debt as a priority.
Write out a budget, get a clear picture of where things stand and build out a payment plan.
Then, make the necessary sacrifices to make sure it disappears.
Once you've conquered your debt, you unlock a new level of financial potential.
Without monthly payments eating away at your income, you can redirect that money towards saving and investing.
Investing in YOUR future.
This is where compound interest works its magic.
Imagine taking the money you were using to pay off debt and putting it into investments instead.
Over time, those investments grow, earning returns not just on your initial contribution, but on the accumulated interest as well.
It's like a snowball rolling downhill, gathering more money as it goes.
This shift from paying interest to earning it puts you firmly in the driver's seat of your financial journey.
You're no longer working to pay off past expenses; instead, you're building wealth for your future.
I learned this lesson later than I would have liked to but soon enough to take advantage.
As a result, it has encouraged me to have these conversations with my kids much sooner.
Just last month, my 11-year-old son and I were talking about money as he has a savings account that we pay a small amount into each week (if he completes his chores, homework etc).
During the conversation, the topic of savings came up.
We talked about setting a nominal amount aside each week and only spending a portion of his earnings.
This initial conversation piqued his curiosity.
We calculated if he saves $3 a week in a high-interest savings account with a 5% interest rate, by the time he turns 21, he will have approximately $2,541.
The next morning at breakfast he asked me; “Dad, if you won $100,000, what would you do with it?”
My eyes lifted quickly and I replied, “I got a few ideas but I’d love to hear what you might do?”
His response, “I’d make sure that I invest or save half of it because that would be amazing compared to just $3.”
He was right.
Without even making any further deposits that $50,000 would become $82,000 in 10 years.
And just like that, his understanding of savings vs. spending shifted.
Small Joys vs. Big Impact
Next, let's debunk a popular myth – the idea that cutting out small daily pleasures like your morning coffee will magically solve all your money woes.
Life is meant to be lived.
If that $5 latte brings you genuine joy and sets you up for a great day - that's money well spent.
The key is to be mindful about it.
If making coffee at home brings you the same joy, do that instead.
If it’s not that important to you and just a habit you’ve created, could you make it home?
When you identify something as unnecessary, there’s the opportunity.
Simple math can calculate the immediate (and long-term) impact of the change:
Spend $5 on a latte every workday, that's $1,300 per year 260 x $5.
Investing that money is a little more advanced to understand but very impactful:
Invest the $1300 each year at a 7% return and that would grow to:
After 10 years - $18,000.
After 20 years - $53,000
After 30 years - $120,000
The financial impact is there, so it just depends on where you place your value; on the savings or the experience.
Now … I’ve breezed through compound interest because it’s a pretty dry topic.
If you’re interested in learning more and accessing simple compound interest calculators, you can do so here.
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it."
Instead of obsessing purely over small expenses, focus on the big-ticket items (such as debt or major lifestyle spending) that will really move the needle.
Regarding the smaller items, do a personal stocktake on each.
Does this bring me joy?
Does this add value to my life?
But you’ll have to make some sacrifices and this starts by identifying the things that serve you least.
As shown above, they can have a large impact over time, just don't do it purely for the savings.
In other words, don’t rob from your joy just to add to your misery.
Smarter Spending Strategies
In today’s world, you are being sold to endlessly.
Just take a moment to look at your social media feed or your email inbox.
How much of what you see is helping you grow or lifting your mood vs. draining your wallet and comparing yourself to others?
The most effective method I’ve found is taking control of the information that is fed to you and replacing FOMO with JOMO (joy of missing out).
This means auditing your follow lists on social media, unsubscribing from your retail vices and ensuring you surround yourself with content that aligns with your values and financial goals.
By curating your digital environment, you reduce exposure to tempting advertisements and impulse purchases, while building a mindset of contentment and mindful consumption.
My rule of thumb is if something doesn’t elevate me, educate me or provide joyful experiences … it’s a no, thank you.
This approach has helped me focus on what truly adds value, reducing the constant pressure to buy and keep up with the latest trends.
By embracing JOMO, it allows you to find joy in simplicity and intentional living, which supports your journey toward overall wealth and a more fulfilling life.
When it comes to spending, there are several lessons that I’ve learned on my financial journey that have impacted my progress greatly.
Here are 6 simple strategies that, when followed consistently, allow you to eradicate debt quickly - or even better, compound your wealth faster:
Gadgets: Needs vs. Wants
In our tech-obsessed world, FOMO is a nasty adversary.
If you can resist the urge to always have the latest gadget, you’ll leapfrog many of your peers.
Do you really need a new phone every year? I upgrade mine every five years, minimum.
It's good for your wallet and the planet.
Also, unsubscribe from the countless retail emails you receive - they’re designed to tempt you.
Style: Quality Over Quantity
Invest in high-quality staples over constantly having to replace them.
My RM Williams boots are costly initially, but they last 15-20 years.
That's about $25-$33 per year – a bargain for good quality footwear that looks after your feet.
There are countless examples of quality products that stand the test of time (and protect your wallet).
Investing: Make Your Money Work for You
Once you're debt-free, make your money work harder than any savings account ever could.
Invest wisely.
Start small, educate yourself and remember – slow and steady often wins the race in the investment world.
Many countries offer tax-advantaged investment accounts like Canada's Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA).
These accounts allow your investments to grow tax-free.
The goal here is to make your money work for you so that you don't have to work for your money.
This mindset shift can lead to financial freedom and open up new opportunities in life.
Drive Smart, Not Broke
If you must buy a car, pay cash and never lease.
Buying a $30,000 car with cash instead of leasing it for three years would save you around $6,000 in interest and fees.
Invest that $6,000 over 20 years at a 7% return and you'd have about $23,000.
One of the biggest lifestyle handbrakes for many people in 2024 is an exorbitant monthly car payment.
Admittedly, I’m not big into cars, so this passes my joy test.
We paid cash for ours in 2010 and haven’t made a payment since.
Oh … and I will drive that thing until it dies!
Travel: The Smart Way to See the World
As someone who's travelled to over 75 countries, I can tell you this – you don't need first-class tickets to have a first-class experience.
I’ve always maintained an expectation that I will travel economy.
The difference in cost between economy and business class on a long-haul flight can be thousands of dollars.
I’ve also learned through experience that an above-average hotel with character and atmosphere provides more value than a stuffy luxury hotel.
Invest that difference, and over time, it may fund several more trips.
Another alternative is to use points or other loyalty programs for upgrades.
But once again, if you place value in travelling comfortably all the time, don’t rob yourself of that joy.
Subscriptions: The Hidden Drain on Your Wallet
Be mindful of subscription services. They can pile up quickly.
Take stock of what truly enriches your life and cut out the rest.
According to a 2021 survey, the average consumer spends $273 per month on subscription services.
This represents a 15% increase from $237 in 2018.
What’s crazy is there's a significant discrepancy between what people think they spend and what they actually spend.
On average, consumers initially estimated they spent $86 per month on subscription services, but upon closer examination, their actual spending was $219 per month - about 2.5 times their initial estimate.
Don’t make assumptions.
Keep a regular eye on your subscriptions and never pay for something you don’t use.
Gyms love a customer who pays regularly but never shows up.
Practical Tips for Mindful Spending
To implement mindful spending in your daily life, consider these tips:
Track your spending habits
Pause before purchasing (24 hours)
Identify your triggers and block them where possible
Use cash when possible vs. payment plans
Set aside money for personal enjoyment, don’t spend mindlessly
Practice delayed gratification, earn your rewards
Create a conscious spending plan
Understand your financial goals
Reflect on your purchases
Educate yourself about personal finance
From Scarcity to Abundance
The real financial game-changer is shifting yourself from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.
When we operate from a place of scarcity, we're constantly worried about not having enough.
We believe there’s only so much to go around.
But when we embrace abundance, we start to see money as a tool for growth and positive change.
We believe there’s plenty for everybody.
This shift doesn't happen overnight and it doesn't mean being reckless with your finances.
It's about recognising that there are always opportunities to increase your wealth, both financially and in other areas of your life.
In 2024, making money has become more exciting and varied than ever before.
There are so many different ways to earn income.
But remember, before we get too greedy, financial wealth doesn't exist in a vacuum.
It's intricately connected to other aspects of holistic wealth – social, mental, physical, and time.
When you're financially stable, you're less stressed; you can afford healthier choices; you have more time for loved ones; and you can potentially work more flexibly.
Mindful spending helps you balance all these aspects of your life.
The Benefits of Money Mindfulness
Embracing mindful spending and educating yourself on how to make your money work for you can transform your relationship with finances.
You go from fearful and naive to confident and informed.
This benefits your overall well-being in several ways:
Increased awareness of spending habits
Reduced stress and anxiety
Letting go of financial regret
Enhanced decision-making skills
Alignment with personal values
Improved financial relationships
As I wrap up this exploration of overall wealth, I challenge you to look at your finances through a new lens.
See the possibilities, embrace the abundance and remember – true wealth is about so much more than the numbers in your bank account.
It's about creating a life rich in experiences, relationships and purpose.
The brighter side of financial wealth isn't about depriving yourself of life's pleasures or following a one-size-fits-all approach.
It's about making intentional choices that align with your values, focusing on what truly matters and building a financial foundation that supports your vision.
By practising mindful spending, you can reduce financial stress, reach your goals and create a life that's not just financially secure but deeply satisfying on every level.
While financial wealth often takes centre stage in discussions about prosperity, it's just one piece of the puzzle.
By making fiscally responsible decisions, you can build a solid foundation that frees up your energy to explore and value the more gratifying aspects of personal wealth.
Remember, every financial decision you make is an opportunity to invest in your future.
Make those decisions count, and the tomorrow version of you, will thank you.
See you on the Brighter Side,
P.S. Send me feedback on how I can improve. I respond to every email.
Progress Report

Over the last 5 weeks, I’ve touched on the concept of overall personal wealth and the components that make it up: time, social, financial, physical and mental.
This journey began for me after reading Keisha Blair's book, "Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons to Help You Find Purpose, Prosperity, and Happiness," which emphasises the importance of balancing all aspects of wealth.
Just over a year ago, I scored myself out of 10 in each category to give myself a baseline to improve from.
In full transparency, let me share how my scores have changed since:
TIME Wealth: From 3/10 to 9/10.
This is the category that sparked the change. Now, I truly cherish the mornings I spend with my kids, walking them to school and making memories. These little moments mean the world to me. I have time to work on the things I love and maintain a consistent workout schedule. Time is the one resource you can’t get back; you can always earn more money, but you can’t earn more time.
SOCIAL Wealth: From 8/10 to 9/10.
I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful wife and kids who bring me endless joy, that I want to be around as much as possible. In addition, over the years I've built an incredible group of friends who lift each other, share laughs and support one another through tough times. Some are local, others are on the other side of the world. These relationships are the backbone of my life.
MENTAL Wealth: From 5/10 to 10/10.
My mental health and outlook have never been better. What I’ve found interesting is the creative space that opened up in my mind when my thoughts were no longer occupied by my job. I find new ideas and opportunities surface more regularly because I’m present and available. I'm no longer working toward someone else's dreams; I'm chasing my own and it feels incredible.
PHYSICAL Wealth: From 6/10 (the lowest I've ever been) to 9/10.
Making my fitness a priority was a crucial turning point. I've always been physically active and in decent shape, but about a year ago I realised I had lost flexibility, probably from sitting at a desk (and low motivation). Now, I feel stronger, fitter and healthier than I have in a long time. I've also maintained a healthy diet and scaled back heavily on drinking which has made a huge difference.
FINANCIAL Wealth: Steady at 9/10.
While I still value financial security, I now see it as a tool to support the other areas of wealth, not the only focus of my life. In 2024, there are countless ways to earn money, you just have to be willing to take a calculated risk and be willing to make mistakes along the way.
At The Brighter Side of Everything, I’m all about exploring how a positive mindset will help you build a life rich in all five aspects of these aspects of wealth.
By achieving the right balance you open doors to possibilities, experience the best that life has to offer and open doors that allow you to achieve your potential.
Every day is a chance to grow one or all of these five components.
When you embrace an optimistic and solution-focused mindset you can create a life that’s aligned to your values.
And that’s the most important lesson of all … living a life aligned with your values is the true measure of wealth.
"The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money."
Bright Reads
Interesting insights to ignite your inner optimist.
Live music emotionally moves us more than streamed music.
65 quotes that will help you have positive thoughts.
How did people clean themselves before soap was invented?
17 habits of introverts that most people misunderstand.
Here's the best way to respond to a compliment
Fred Again..
A Maestro of Connection and Joy

Last week, I attended a live show by Fred Again.. in Toronto, and let me tell you - it was nothing short of magical.
From the moment he stepped onto the stage, an inviting atmosphere enveloped the venue, radiating joy and optimism.
He believes that great music isn’t tied to perfect technology or but rather to genuine expression.
It’s about enjoying the experience rather than focusing on perfection.
His joy and energy were palpable, creating a sense of community among the audience that made the time fly by.
I honestly didn’t want it to end!
A Unique Musical Journey
Born in 1993 in London, Fred Again.. (Fred Gibson) is not just a talented producer; he’s a musical innovator.
As a 16 year old, Fred started working as Brian Eno's assistant.
This is where he learned to embrace a childlike naivety in music creation, allowing him to blend classical training with innovative production techniques that prioritise authentic sound over rigid theory.
He first caught global attention with his “Actual Life” series, which cleverly samples everyday interactions - everything from YouTube clips to voice notes from friends.
This authenticity resonated deeply with fans, allowing us to connect with his music on such a personal level.
Creating an Inclusive Experience
What truly sets Fred Again.. apart is the inclusive atmosphere he builds during his live shows.
They are designed to be communal experiences where everyone feels welcome.
He seamlessly blends genres bouncing quickly from a heartwarming to ballad to an absolute banger in a matter of seconds.
It truly felt like we were all in it together.
He also incorporates his own vocals & keyboards into his sets and encourages audience participation, making each person feel like an integral part of the performance.
Fred also places great emphasis on maintaining a childlike wonder in music creation that is visible in how he engages with his audience, encouraging them to enjoy the moment without pretence.
The Toronto Experience
At the Toronto show, the vibe was electric from start to finish.
Fred’s infectious enthusiasm matched the crowd’s energy perfectly.
Each track was met with cheers and dancing, building a euphoric environment where your worries faded away.
It was clear that he genuinely loves what he does; because his joy was contagious.
A Beacon of Positivity
In interviews, Fred has shared his desire to spread positivity through his music.
He believes that music has the power to uplift and unite people - a sentiment I wholeheartedly agree with that was evident throughout the show.
As he said in a recent interview, “I want my shows to feel like a big hug.”
And that’s exactly how it felt.
Innovative Collaborations
Fred Again’s collaborations add further layers to his artistic vision.
Working with renowned artists like Skrillex and Four Tet has allowed him to explore new sonic landscapes while maintaining his signature sound.
Add the fact that he has known and worked so closely with Brian Eno and his rise & skillset start to make a lot of sense.
His ability to blend various musical styles reflects his open-minded approach to life and his commitment to inclusivity.
The respect from his music industry peers is through the roof with many clamoring to work with him in the future.
A Lasting Impact
Fred’s commitment to creating joyful and inclusive environments makes him a shining light of optimism in the music industry.
His concerts are not just performances; they are celebrations of life that leave lasting impressions on everyone who attends.
As I left the venue last Thursday, I felt invigorated and hopeful - a true testament to his ability to connect through music.
His shows remind us that amidst life's challenges, there is always room for joy, connection and community.
My Takeaways: Lessons from Fred Again
Authenticity Matters: Share your true self; it resonates with others. Drawing inspiration from real-life experiences can create deeper connections with your audience.
Create Community: Build an inclusive atmosphere; it enhances shared experiences. Creating an environment where everyone feels welcome enhances the overall experience.
Positivity is Powerful: Use your platform to lift others. Music can be a powerful tool for uplifting spirits and promoting community.
Collaborate for Growth: Embrace partnerships; they can lead to greater creativity. Working with others leads to innovative ideas and broadens your artistic horizons.
Live in the Moment: Engage fully; it adds more substance to your experiences. Engaging fully in each moment allows for genuine connections and unforgettable experiences. Put your phone away if you want to remember it.
Fred Again serves as an important reminder that music can transcend barriers and bring people together in celebration of life.
As he continues to inspire audiences worldwide, he reminds us that positivity and connection are vital in our ever-changing world.
And most importantly, that there is nothing greater in this life than positive shared human experiences.
Good on you, Fred.
“Brian would be the first to say he’s not classically trained. That isn’t how his brain works... to his advantage. But when I first got there, I remember being kind of confused. Brian would play this thing and be like, ‘Oh my God, listen to that... What’s that?’ I’d be like, ‘Oh, it’s just a C major chord.’ He’d say, ‘Yeah, but listen to it.’ It’s that childlike naivety that everyone is so desperate to keep, but that musical theory can sometimes threaten to tarnish.”
If you want to witness Fred in action, check out this video from Glastonbury 2023:
Now Spinning
Mahal by Glass Beams
You know that feeling when you never want an album to end?
Mahal is a mesmerizing EP that takes you on a captivating journey through a fusion of Western and Eastern musical influences.
Glass Beams, the Melbourne-based trio, have crafted a collection of instrumental tracks that blend traditional Indian sounds with psychedelic rock and electronic elements, creating a unique and immersive listening experience.
Key Highlights:
Cultural Fusion: They seamlessly meld Eastern and Western musical traditions, creating a sound that feels both familiar and exotic. The use of sitar and hypnotic rhythms results in a multi-layered soundscape.
Atmospheric Storytelling: Despite the absence of lyrics, each track paints vivid imagery in your mind, transcending language barriers and cultural divides.
Instrumental Mastery: Glass Beams show exceptional musicianship, crafting intricate compositions that highlight their ability to blend diverse instruments and styles.
My Takeaway:
What resonates most about Mahal is its ability to transport you to a dreamlike place that feels both nostalgic and refreshingly new.
The EP's length (just over 18 minutes) leaves you craving more, resulting in repeated listens to fully absorb it and a powerful desire for their next release.
Glass Beams have managed to create a sound that's simultaneously rooted in both tradition and forward-thinking.
Their masked personas add an intriguing visual element to their already captivating music, making them a band to watch in the evolving world music scene.
If you enjoy unique sounds or are looking for a fresh take on musical fusion, Mahal by Glass Beams should be on your playlist.
Just be prepared to hit repeat as soon as the final track fades out.
"Mahal is a mesmerizing journey that blends Eastern and Western influences seamlessly, creating a sound that feels both familiar and exotic. The title track captivates with its hypnotic sitar riffs and vibrant rhythms, making it a standout piece that lingers long after the last note fades."
Got a recommendation?
Please share; I'm always keen to hear suggestions for great music.
Insights from an Expert
James Clear

This simple and quite powerful idea encourages us to shift our mindset from what we think we ‘should’ want to what truly brings us joy.
We often get caught in a cycle of wanting - yearning for things that don’t align with how we really feel.
When you focus on what you like, you create a more fulfilling and motivated life.
Let’s break it down:
Exercise: Sure, you might not want to hit the gym, but think about how great you feel afterwards - energised and accomplished. Use that feeling as your motivator.
Morning Routines: Waking up early might sound tough, but appreciating the calm beauty of the morning makes it worthwhile. Embrace a slower, more peaceful start to your day.
Mindset Shift: Wanting often stems from outside pressures or societal expectations. Liking comes from within. By prioritising what you genuinely enjoy, you’ll align your actions with your true self.
Building Habits: When you focus on your likes, you’re more likely to develop habits that enhance your well-being instead of feeling weighed down by obligations.
When you emphasise the positive feelings tied to activities, you can overcome resistance and commit more deeply.
Prioritising what brings you joy makes it easier to embrace habits that boost your health, your mindset and your happiness.
Let your likes guide you; they’re the compass that leads to a more fulfilling life.
"You can’t do big things if you’re distracted by small things."
Daily Gratitude Journal
Transform your daily routine with my specially crafted gratitude journal. Start (or end) each day with a moment of reflection and positivity.
Thank you to all who have purchased a copy so far, I am truly grateful and for every journal sold, I will donate $1 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

This means that as you develop daily gratitude, you're also helping grant wishes to children facing critical illnesses.
It's a powerful cycle of hope and optimism.
🌟 What's Inside:
Thoughtful prompts to inspire daily gratitude.
Space for personal reflections and affirmations.
Beautifully designed pages to make each entry a delightful experience.
Ready to embrace the power of gratitude?
Click here to order a copy now!
Positively Hilarious
A quick laugh as we part ways this week.

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