Finding Paradise in Everyday Life

Insights from an unexpected encounter

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This newsletter serves a simple purpose → To help you build optimism, resilience and a solution-focused perspective.

Each week, I’ll share actionable insights that not only brighten your day but position you to be a leader within your own life and seize it’s opportunities.

Read time: 10-12 minutes.

Hello Brighter Side readers ☀️ 

Thank you to all subscribers, old and new!

As each of us rush through our busy lives, it’s easy to get caught up in chase after chase.

Slowly becoming robotic in how we approach our days.

I want to encourage you to hit the brakes and slow down a little.

While many are zigging toward quick summaries, surface-level info, life hacks and shortcuts.

I choose to zag.

I believe there’s immense value in diving deeper into topics that matter.

There’s a big difference between ‘awareness’ and ‘understanding.’

My aim is to provide greater depth, practical solutions and perspectives that invite you to think critically and engage fully.

By exploring topics in greater detail, we can uncover the nuances that help us understand and apply these insights in real life.

This week’s newsletter was inspired by an unexpected encounter from earlier this week.

It shone a light on how many of us operate with blinders each day, rushing from problem to problem and rarely stopping to smell the roses.

When you discover the many treasures in our everyday experiences, you learn to appreciate the paradise that’s already around us.

Rather than constantly working toward or waiting for something.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t work hard, I’m all for it.

I’m saying to do your best work AND live your best life, you need a high inner peace.

They can exist together.

Inner peace allows for clearer thinking.

When your mind is calm, you can focus better on tasks, leading to more effective problem-solving and creativity.

Inner peace helps reduce stress levels, which can hinder performance.

A calm state of mind helps develop resilience and the ability to handle challenges without becoming overwhelmed.

When you’re at peace, you’re more likely to make thoughtful decisions over reactive ones.

This leads to better outcomes in both personal and professional contexts.

Life is happening right now, live it.

Not only will you see benefits, so will those around you.

My ask is for just 10-12 minutes of your time each week (20-30 if you read every article).

This is dedicated “you” time.

Time for you to slow down, focus on yourself and recharge so you’re prepared for the challenges ahead.

And remember, you can always save these emails for later when you have some time to dig in.

Thanks for being part of this journey with me!

See you on the Brighter Side,


P.S. I always love hearing from you - feel free to share your thoughts, reach out anytime.

Bright Side in Brief

What’s covered this week?

  • Finding Paradise in Everyday Life - Insights from an unexpected encounter.

  • Bright Reads - Quick links to fun or insightful articles.

  • The Magic of Jim Henson - Overcoming doubt and spreading joy.

  • Bookmarks - ‘Dopamine Nation’ by Anna Lembke.

  • A Bright Idea to Consider - Adam Grant.

  • Positively Hilarious - Smile like you mean it.

  • Daily Gratitude Journal - Transform your daily routine through reflection.

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Finding Paradise in Everyday Life

Insights from an unexpected encounter

Earlier this week, I had an experience that got me thinking about how we navigate our busy lives and the importance of staying present.

I decided to swing by the supermarket before work, running through my day in my mind as I walked the aisles.

As I returned home, I noticed something odd.

There was a car parked strangely in front of our house.

I managed to squeeze past the car and park and into the driveway, but as I stepped out, chaos erupted around me.

Drivers were honking their horns.

Voices were raised in frustration and they were directed at the man behind the wheel.

Not only was he blocking part of my driveway, he was also obstructing the bike lane.

It was 8:45 AM and the morning commuters were clearly irritated.

Curiosity got the better of me, so I walked over to speak with him.

He looked distressed, to say the least, explaining that his battery had died and was unable to move his car.

To make matters worse, his phone was dead.

He was truly in a pickle.

Now … imagine being stuck in that situation, surrounded by people yelling while you feel helpless to change your circumstances.

After a brief chat, I decided to help him out.

I pulled my car up beside his and we attempted a jump-start.

No luck, hmmmm.

It turned out that his fan belt had busted and he would need a tow.

I called the CAA (Canadian Automobile Association) on my phone and arranged for a tow truck.

As we waited, he kept apologising for the inconvenience and thanking me for my assistance.

His gratitude was palpable.

When I asked how long he’d been waiting, he said it had ‘only’ been 15 minutes.

That fact saddened me.

That 15 minutes would have felt like a lifetime.

Here was a man in need of help, yet nobody else had stopped to lend a hand or understand his situation.

Sure, people are busy with their own lives.

You know, emails to answer, places to be and meetings to attend.

It made me realise how often we overlook opportunities to connect with others.

Ten minutes later, problem solved.

The tow truck arrived and he was grateful to be on his way.

Very grateful.

Kindness is Strength

The encounter lingered in my mind long after he had driven away.

My reflections hammering home a concept I strongly believe in.

That kindness is strength.

It’s not just a simple act.

It’s a reflection of your inner resolve.

When you choose to respond with kindness, you maintain your integrity and compassion regardless of how others choose to behave around you.

Car after car, bike after bike had passed by without stopping.

And even worse, many chose to let him have it, yelling obscenities and acting high and mighty.

In a world where negativity gets the attention (sadly), choosing to be kind requires courage.

It requires resilience.

While it’s easy to react with frustration or anger, like the drivers honking at a stranded man … it takes real fortitude to choose a different path.

When you remain calm and kind, you not only lift the recipient but also create a ripple effect of positive influence on those around you.

In every situation, you have a choice.

You can contribute to the problem or be part of the solution.

Each act of kindness, no matter how small, can inspire others to act similarly, creating a chain reaction of positivity.

Anyone can be an asshole.

It takes far more strength to remain optimistic and inspire hope in others.

While some might think being kind means you’re an easy target, it’s quite the opposite.

Being kind is a purposeful decision to face challenges with understanding and a commitment to making things better.

It’s not the easy way out.

It’s a bold choice to respond to negativity with empathy, to lend a hand when others don’t bother and to build connections in a world that can feel distant.

The Garden of Eden Concept

As the day went on I couldn’t seem to let it go.

Why did everyone ignore this poor guy?

And worse still, why were they getting so angry?

It brought to mind an idea that I was introduced to recently.

Michael Singer’s ‘Garden of Eden’ concept.

Singer, an author known for his influential writings on mindfulness and presence, suggests that we are already living in paradise, similar to the biblical Garden of Eden.

But we often fail to appreciate it.

Because we focus too much on what’s wrong in our lives.

He’s not wrong.

The Earth is incredible.

A remarkably diverse and vibrant planet, teeming with life and natural beauty.

From the vast oceans and majestic mountains to the intricate ecosystems of forests and deserts, it offers endless wonders that can inspire awe and gratitude.

That is … if you take the time to slow down and appreciate it.

Singer's concept encourages us to shift our perspective and recognise the inherent beauty and perfection in the world around us.

By staying mindful and present in each moment, you learn to appreciate the simple joys and profound experiences that life has to offer.

Understanding that paradise isn't a far-off, unreachable destination but a mindset you can embrace … right here and now.

Despite this, many overlook its beauty due to their preoccupation with personal challenges or negative thoughts.

Rushing to get to the next thing, so you can then … rush on to the following thing.

Complaining about the rain when we all know rain should be celebrated.

Going harder doesn’t solve your problems.

Screaming at helpless strangers doesn’t solve your problems.

In fact, it will likely contribute to your next problem.

Instead, take a moment to pause and embrace the present.

You might find that the rain, with its rhythmic patter and refreshing scent, offers a sense of calm.

By constantly dwelling on what we lack or what troubles us, we miss the opportunity to fully experience that moment.

Think about how many people (at this very moment) are thinking about work or problems during a moment with their friends or loved ones.

It’s ridiculous that the beauty around you can become overshadowed by stress and negativity.

Don’t let it happen.

Take control.

In a world bursting with opportunities for kindness, why do some choose this path while others do not?

The reasons are as diverse as humanity itself.

Some choose kindness because they recognise the value of lifting others.

It’s a reflection of their inner character, a way of contributing to the collective well-being.

On the flip side, some may hesitate to be kind due to fear, self-centeredness or sadly a belief that kindness shows vulnerability.

That is the stigma that needs to end.

From Pain to Perspective

Singer’s position encourages you to shift your perspective, develop gratitude, increase awareness and recognise the paradise that surrounds you every day.

Many people carry unresolved emotional pain from past experiences that cloud their perception of reality.

True freedom comes from releasing these negative emotions rather than merely waiting for time to heal.

They won’t disappear.

Your body remembers what your mind tries to forget.

Take time to acknowledge your past experiences and process them with compassion and understanding.

By doing so, you can begin to heal and transform your outlook on life.

Instead of avoiding challenges or difficulties, confront them head-on.

By facing your fears and emotional pain, you reconnect with life’s beauty.

Embrace mindfulness practices such as meditation or journaling to help you stay present and grounded.

Mindfulness isn’t just a buzzword.

It’s a practice steeped in tradition across the globe that promotes awareness, presence and a deeper connection to the present moment.

You just have to be willing to try, and keep moving yourself forward.

Journalling is the same.

An incredibly effective exercise that directs your attention to all that is good in your world and stops the endless cycle of negative thoughts and distractions.

By putting pen to paper, you create a space for reflection and gratitude, allowing you to focus on the positive aspects of your life.

This helps you gain clarity, reduce stress and develop a sense of peace and contentment.

Whether you write about your daily experiences, your goals or your emotions, journaling is a powerful tool for self-discovery.

If you're looking to start or deepen your journaling practice, consider our Daily Gratitude Journal.

It’s a simple yet effective way to focus on the positive aspects of your life and cultivate a habit of gratitude.

In addition, it’s good to surround yourself with positive influences and seek support from friends, family or professionals if needed.

Remember, finding inner peace is a journey, not a race.

Every little step you take counts, so be patient with yourself.

Surround yourself with good people who lift you up and don’t hesitate to reach out for help when you need it.

“Life is a series of moments. To live each one is to be fully alive.” 

🖊️ – Unknown

Practical Tips for Embracing Presence

So how do we embrace this Garden of Eden mindset?

Here are some practical tips:

  1. Be Grateful: It’s simple and it’s effective. Start or end your day by listing three things you’re grateful for. This helps shift your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant in your life.

  2. Stay Mindful: Take short breaks throughout the day to breathe deeply and observe your surroundings without judgment. That’s the key - without judgement. Notice the colours around you or the sounds you hear, this helps ground you in the present.

  3. Limit Your Distractions: Set aside specific times for checking emails or social media so you can be more present during other moments, especially when interacting with others. It's absurd to be glued to your phone during social gatherings.

  4. Engage with Others: Make an effort to connect with people around you, whether it’s holding a door open for someone or simply smiling at a stranger as you pass by.

  5. Reflect on Your Day: At the end of each day, reflect on moments when you felt joy or connection with others. Write them down. You will start to realise what brings you the most joy.

Paradise is Right Here Right Now

My encounter was a timely reminder of how robotic and inflexible we can become due to demanding schedules.

This isn’t living, this is being.

It’s reacting to the world around you rather than actively engaging with it and shaping your own experience.

We often slip into routines, merely reacting to external demands, without pausing to consider our own aspirations.

You know what happens then?

Your aspirations go out the window.

To truly embrace life, it's important to take a moment to pause, think things through, and make thoughtful decisions that match up with what we care about and love doing.

I doubt many of those who hurled abuse this morning consider themselves to be living life to the fullest.

They’re likely caught in the same cycle of reactivity, driven by stress and external pressures, rather than taking a step back to evaluate what truly matters to them.

I get it.

Life gets busy and we all have a lot going on.

But once you realise that everyone is doing the best they can, it all somehow seems a little easier.

If you see someone struggling, help them.

Extend a hand, offer a kind word or simply share a smile.

Simple gestures create ripples of positivity that lift not only others, but also ourselves.

When you actively engage with the world around you, you create opportunities for connection and understanding.

You transform your routine into meaningful interactions and your busy life into a symphony of shared experiences.

Remember, every person you encounter is on their own journey.

Facing their own challenges.

By encouraging a culture of empathy and support, we break the cycle of reactivity and encourage one another to step into our true potential.

It's a challenge to break free from this pattern, but it's essential for finding joy in our everyday lives.

Singer’s concept also resonated deeply with this experience.

By shifting our focus from negativity to appreciation, we can uncover the beauty that exists around us every day.

In a world where everyone seems rushed and preoccupied, taking just a moment to connect with someone in need can benefit both their life and yours.

It’s also the most common sense thing to do.

So next time you find yourself caught up in daily stressors, remember: kindness is strength.

And also, paradise is not some made-up place.

It’s the remarkable planet we are so lucky to call home.

It’s a state of mind waiting for you to embrace it.

Take a step back from your chaos and appreciate the little moments in front of you.

The smiles from strangers.

The beauty of nature around us.

Or assisting someone in need when you have the opportunity to do so.

Life is too short to overlook the paradise that surrounds us every day

Start the cycle.

Hold open a door.

Make someone smile.

Give a compliment.

Ask how someone is … and mean it.

This is what is important in life, not your inbox.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

🖊️ – Aesop

Bright Reads

Interesting insights to ignite your inner optimist.

The Magic of Jim Henson

Overcoming Doubt and Spreading Joy

Image sourced from

What does it take to create characters that resonate with millions?

For Jim Henson, it was about more than just puppetry.

It was about heart.

This week, we honour the incredible life and legacy of Jim Henson.

A man whose creativity and positivity left an indelible mark on the world through his beloved characters and innovative puppetry.

Growing up, I was captivated by The Muppet Show and the movies that featured these iconic characters.

Even at 46, I can still sing every word to “Moving Right Along” from The Muppet Movie, a testament to the impact Henson’s work has had on my life and countless others.

Jim Henson was born in Greenville, Mississippi.

From a young age, he showed an affinity for creativity but his journey wasn’t without its challenges.

In 1954, while exploring his passion for puppetry, Henson checked out two books on the subject from his local library.

This sparked his interest, leading him to create puppets and perform with them.

However, not everyone shared his enthusiasm.

A teacher once told him, “You are wasting your time with those puppets.”

This moment made Henson doubt his dreams,causing him to abandon puppetry for period.

A Turning Point

Feeling disheartened but not defeated, he took a leap of faith and wandered over to Europe without a clear plan.

It was during this trip that he discovered a vibrant community of puppeteers who took their craft seriously.

“That was the first time I’d ever met any other puppeteers,” he recalled.

The experience reignited his passion and made him realise that puppetry was indeed a valid art form capable of great expression.

Returning to the United States with newfound determination, he began to create the characters that would become household names: Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear and many more.

His work on Sesame Street, which premiered in 1969, revolutionised children’s television blending education with entertainment.

Characters like Big Bird and Cookie Monster helped teach children important lessons while also making them laugh - a perfect example of how Henson used his art to spread positivity.

"Remember, each one of us has the power to change the world. Just start by changing yourself."

🖊️ - Jim Henson

Overcoming Challenges

Despite his success, Henson faced numerous challenges throughout his career.

He often struggled with the perception that puppetry was merely children’s entertainment.

Yet he remained committed to using his platform to address deeper issues in society.

He once said:

“I decided that there are many situations in this life that I can’t do much about: acts of terrorism, feelings of nationalistic prejudice, cold war, etc. So what I should do is concentrate on the situations my energy can affect.”

🖊️ - Jim Henson

This perspective reflects his unwavering belief in the power of positivity and creativity to bring about change.

His groundbreaking show The Muppet Show, which aired from 1976 to 1981, showcased not only humour but also a sense of community and acceptance.

Through laughter and song, Henson created a space where people could feel connected.

Something we all need more than ever today.

The Magic of Imagination

Henson’s commitment to imagination didn’t stop at television; he also ventured into film with projects like The Dark Crystal (1982) and Labyrinth (1986).

Both are excellent films.

They pushed the boundaries of puppetry and storytelling, creating immersive worlds filled with fantastical creatures.

While they initially received mixed reviews, they have since become cult classics that continue to inspire new generations of artists.

His ability to blend humour with heartfelt moments is perhaps best exemplified by Kermit the Frog’s iconic song “Rainbow Connection.”

Kermit the Frog

The lyrics capture a sense of hopefulness that resonates deeply:

“Who said that every wish would be heard and answered when wished on the morning star?”

🖊️ - Kermit the Frog

Henson’s characters often embodied vulnerability and kindness, qualities that remind us of our shared humanity.

A Lasting Legacy

Jim Henson passed away on May 16, 1990, but his legacy lives on in so many ways.

His work has inspired countless artists and entertainers who strive to create meaningful connections through their craft.

The Muppets continue to delight audiences around the world through new projects, proving that Henson’s spirit remains alive in the entertainment world.

As we celebrate Jim, remember the lessons he imparted through his art: the importance of following your passions despite obstacles, using creativity as a force for good and embracing positivity in our everyday lives.

His journey reminds us that even when faced with doubt or criticism, we can overcome challenges by believing in ourselves and our dreams.

Let’s keep singing those Muppet songs, whether it’s “Moving Right Along” or “Rainbow Connection”, and carry forward Jim Henson’s legacy of imagination and joy.

After all, as he showed us through Kermit and friends, there’s always room for laughter in this world.

Most importantly, let’s keep the laughter rolling and the creativity flowing.

Because life’s too short to not sing along.

"The most sophisticated people I know - inside they are all children."

🖊️ - Jim Henson


Dopamine Nation

by Anna Lembke

Ever felt like life is just one big dopamine chase?

Scrolling through social media, binge-watching shows or indulging in that extra slice of cake.

If so, Dopamine Nation is a great book for you.

In a recent newsletter, I touched on neurotransmitters and how they affect our emotions.

Dr. Anna Lembke takes that conversation to the next level.

She dives into how our quest for pleasure can (and likely will) lead to addiction and a sense of emptiness.

This book is a real eye-opener and one that might just cause you to have an honest conversation with yourself.

Key Highlights

The Pleasure-Pain Balance

Lembke does an amazing job of breaking down how our modern world is set up for instant gratification.

With everything from junk food to endless streaming options at our fingertips, it’s easy to get caught up in the cycle of seeking pleasure without thinking about the consequences.

She explains how this can throw our pleasure-pain balance out of whack, making us feel more anxious and unfulfilled.

It’s a real wake-up call that got me thinking about my own habits over a year ago.

Fast forward to 18 months later, and at 46, I’ve never felt as physically strong and mentally clear in my life.

Personal Stories

One of the things I loved about this book is Lembke’s use of real-life stories from her patients.

These accounts are raw and relatable, showing just how many people struggle with the same issues in this dopamine-driven world.

It makes the science feel personal and helps you connect with the material on a deeper level.

Practical Solutions

But don’t worry.

Lembke doesn’t just lay out the problems.

She also offers practical tips for finding balance in our lives.

From practicing moderation to staying mindful and building real connections, she gives us tools to regain control over our cravings.

It’s refreshing to see a book that not only highlights challenges but also empowers us with practical advice.

My Takeaway

Dopamine Nation isn’t just about addiction.

It’s a guide to understanding your relationship with pleasure in today’s world.

Lembke combines science with storytelling in a way that’s engaging and thought-provoking.

If you’re looking for a way to navigate life’s ups and downs while finding some balance, this book is definitely worth checking out.

It’s all about getting to know ourselves better.

And who wouldn’t want that?

“Brilliant… riveting, scary, cogent and cleverly argued.”

🖊️ - Beth Macy

Got a recommendation?

Please share; I'm always keen to hear quality suggestions.

A Bright Idea to Consider

Adam Grant

Adam Grant reminds us that mental health isn’t just about chasing happiness 24/7.

It’s about embracing all our feelings.

Yes, even the tough ones.

Life is a rollercoaster.

It’s perfectly normal to experience grief, anger and fear along the way.

Here are some key takeaways to think about:

  1. Feel All the Feels: It’s okay to feel sad or mad sometimes. Acknowledging these emotions is the first step toward understanding them better. Use them to navigate, just don’t give them the wheel.

  2. Grief is Part of Healing: Losing someone or something important hurts deeply. Allowing yourself to grieve is a natural and necessary part of healing. Lock your feelings away and, trust me, your body will remember them.

  3. Channel Your Anger: Feeling angry about injustice? That’s valid. Instead of pushing it down though, use that energy to drive positive change. Be part of the solution.

  4. Fear is Normal: We all feel fear when faced with danger. It’s our body’s way of keeping us safe. Recognising this can help you respond more effectively. Overcoming fear not only empowers you to face challenges head-on but also opens you up to new opportunities.

  5. Put Emotions in Perspective: Resilience isn’t about ignoring your feelings. It’s about understanding them without letting them control you. You can learn plenty from your emotions and will grow stronger as a result.

Final Thought

Embrace the full spectrum of your emotions as an essential aspect of the human experience. This approach not only builds resilience but will also enhance your self-awareness.

Both set you up for deeper connections with others and a more fulfilling life

Embrace your emotions, both good and bad.

They’re not just bumps in the road, they’re essential parts of our journey.

"Emotional intelligence is a way of recognizing, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel, and act." 

🖊️ - J. Freedman

Positively Hilarious

A quick laugh as we part ways this week.

Daily Gratitude Journal

Transform your daily routine with my specially crafted gratitude journal. Start (or end) each day with a moment of reflection and positivity.

Thank you to all who have purchased a copy so far, I am truly grateful and for every journal sold, I will donate $1 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. 

This means that as you develop daily gratitude, you're also helping grant wishes to children facing critical illnesses.

It's a powerful cycle of hope and optimism.

🌟 What's Inside:

  • Thoughtful prompts to inspire daily gratitude.

  • Space for personal reflections and affirmations.

  • Beautifully designed pages to make each entry a delightful experience.

Ready to embrace the power of gratitude?

Click here to order a copy now!

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